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  1. eksha

    [VIDEO] MBII - A Tribute to Our Team-Killers [MV]

    well depends on what music you play :) I don't mind a good Jackson myself. Had a pleasure of playing one in studio
  2. eksha

    Fair and balanced teams

    Well, do a /devmap and see it for yourself. It's one of the smallest maps ever in MB2.
  3. eksha

    Fair and balanced teams

    How about Smuggler with over 20 people on? Have you ever had the delightful experience of playing that? Pretty much every map feels like a retarded clusterfuck of madness to play on with over 20 players on, if not even something like 14-16. It all comes down to chaotic fucking bullshit like with...
  4. eksha

    [VIDEO] MBII - A Tribute to Our Team-Killers [MV]

    damn that stratocaster looks sexy af :))
  5. eksha

    Cvars suggestion :))

    Alright, not exactly sure whether I should ask for this here or at the OpenJK forums, but it's still worth a try I guess :)) I want r_picmip to ignore the effect textures and possibly player models. Let it only affect the map textures and that's it. Currently, it's simply unusable past picmip...
  6. eksha

    Fair and balanced teams

    20 players cap make it happen! Ultimately it means more populated servers, doesn't matter if it's still gonna be dotf 24/7, and ofc better experience for the players.
  7. eksha

    Auto-roll on small elevations

    I'm totally fine with it. You just need to learn how to get around it/use it properly. I know it can be annoying, but simply learning the levels allows to completely mitigate the problem.
  8. eksha


  9. eksha

    Cvars suggestion :))

    Damn, I'm so used to QL with all its improvements by now :D
  10. eksha

    Fair and balanced teams

    It's random and doesn't guarantee actually balancing the teams at all. Having a rating system would force the players to stop with the trolling bullshit/tks and get good.
  11. eksha

    Manda Wrist Laser Suggestions

    To stop it from being op just decrease its damage. Afaik, it does more damage than P3 atm. But the thing is, P3 got nerfed, so why won't we nerf the wrist laser as well?
  12. eksha

    Fair and balanced teams

    Yeah sure mate, cus good players stacking teams and noobs taking powerful classes in FA is perfectly fine isn't it?
  13. eksha

    Cvars suggestion :))

    New suggestion: cl_maxPackets should be locked to tinker with and should automatically scale with com_maxFps with a maximum value of 125. e.g. if you have maxfps on 125 or more your maxPackets shall be 125. if you have maxFps, say on 85, your maxPackets will be 85. This will prevent players from...
  14. eksha

    Fair and balanced teams

    how about implementing glicko-2 rating system for open mode and perhaps FA (like restricting certain classes to a newly calculated minimum elo number based on the ratings of the players currently playing on the server)? Admittedly, it uses Steam accounts at least in QL/CS:GO, but surely it can...
  15. eksha

    Fix jedi/sith.

    1. remove flinch 2. bring stagger on hit at any distance or just revert it to b19 3. fix fp drains (bring back proper IDR and midair drains) 4. fix saber hitboxes (they're HUGE)
  16. eksha

    Appo's Arc Feedback for [CURRENT UPDATE NUMBER HERE]

    Actually I feel like ARC weapons are too powerful atm. You get perfect accuracy at all times, fast blaster bolts, deal insane damage and can have EMP nades or what not coupled with it. ARCs arguably have the most powerful guns in whole MB2 at their disposal, not to mention 100 armor and...
  17. eksha

    Site revamped? Old Users Accounts gone?

  18. eksha

    [VIDEO] MBII - A Tribute to Our Team-Killers [MV]

    omg mate this is epic :D finally tkers get some credit
  19. eksha

    Improve support for Simple HUD

    I love Simple HUD and I absolutely agree! :)) ACM does show up though.
  20. eksha

    You've Redecorated!

    Welcome back! Pls help these nubs with dotf2 :))