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  1. MuscBodypillow

    Appo's Arc Feedback for [CURRENT UPDATE NUMBER HERE]

    this, but isn't there also knockback.
  2. MuscBodypillow

    What is your favorite MB2 video?

    Honestly I quite like most providers but I think cultist has a nice little touch with the edits (in game video editor thingy) and with the music.
  3. MuscBodypillow

    Technical Issue Chat causing game to micro-stutter

    Is this an old system? The bottleneck might be your rig somehow more than anything else. Have you closed any background program/app and tried that?
  4. MuscBodypillow

    Models you want to see in game?

    I just want a model of Teal'c with a customizable tank-top, so I can still be the purple guy. There are already teal'c models but they look like they were made for the ps1 and they use the useless armor.
  5. MuscBodypillow

    French search for french ahha :) !

    Can't tell if engrish or meme.
  6. MuscBodypillow

    French search for french ahha :) !

    French is not a race.
  7. MuscBodypillow

    The Teal'c-ening [voice command replacer]

    Fixed the audio file and the packager, there was some mix up with the previous audio version and the packager sometimes did not unpack the files in the proper place. Both are fixed, the volume should be fine now. If @GoodOl'Ben and @Tompa9 or anyone else tried it I recommend reinstalling.
  8. MuscBodypillow

    Weapon Mode Changing Speed Of E-33

    He's so good he can 360 no-scope you.
  9. MuscBodypillow

    Stomping Down Lightning

    Is this a diary or a personal note?
  10. MuscBodypillow

    Mb2_Sarlacc - new jabba sail barge map

    Ben is there something with you and tentacles that we should know? lol
  11. MuscBodypillow

    Hi from a french ! :)

    There are a sizeable amount of french player in the forum and in game,you should be able to find them, just sayin'. Edit: also welcome
  12. MuscBodypillow

    Let's Talk Sides

    As soon as you pick a saber class you are exposing your side. But in more seriousness if you play open, chances are you'll get backwacked by some random most of the time but when you try to backwach someone the hit will either be blocked magically even if he doesn't turn or it'll just miss somehow.
  13. MuscBodypillow

    Feedback Thread: Open Beta (after V1.4.9) - Drop 3

    Maybe quickthrow could be replaced with something like "force resist" but that would be quite some change for heroes.
  14. MuscBodypillow

    Feedback Thread: Open Beta (after V1.4.9) - Drop 3

    I agree with nade cheapening for arc (it's not like they did much damage and are pretty situational.)
  15. MuscBodypillow

    Increasing The Playerbase

    He said increasing not decreasing.
  16. MuscBodypillow

    The Teal'c-ening [voice command replacer]

    Updated to v3 since the v2 audio was not properly augmented
  17. MuscBodypillow

    Increasing The Playerbase

    It's just replacing the sound effect file, anyone can do that.
  18. MuscBodypillow

    Voice Chat A New Meaning

    It's not like you could hear enemy voice commands or anything. Friendly voice comms already have that and indicate the position in the chatbox, adding anymore voice command functions would not change much and make things less "realistic" in that aspect.
  19. MuscBodypillow

    Increasing The Playerbase

    Millions of new guys told me they uninstalled the game because the deka wasn't playing "Gotta go fast" when rolling.
  20. MuscBodypillow

    Feedback Thread: Open Beta (after V1.4.9) - Drop 3

    Everyone can follow their dream and become a deka,neat!