Search results

  1. BlazeJKA


    see ya in-game in a few months then
  2. BlazeJKA

    Looking for a friendly Guild

    join tR, by far the friendliest server and the most welcoming to newer players. hope to hear from you!
  3. BlazeJKA

    Any plans for an RP server using Mod mechanics?

    if i see people roleplaying i'm gonna mass tk
  4. BlazeJKA

    Toxicity kinda kills this game for me and most likely others

    i still can't believe lindsey is not a girl
  5. BlazeJKA

    Add a new mb2 exclusive "cookie" to track users when they join your server

    Thanks to Bully I can feed my kid (5 year old Johnny boy, future moviebattler) and pay off my mortgage.
  6. BlazeJKA

    Unban req

    No worries Bully, gotta keep those trolls in check!
  7. BlazeJKA

    DDOS attacks threatening playerbase

    lmao anyways u guys seen the new spiderman?
  8. BlazeJKA

    Unban request (for my friend)

    BG sucks dude, make sure to teamkill the admins on sight
  9. BlazeJKA

    on break

    That's it edel, you're getting TKed.
  10. BlazeJKA

    Free CatMan

    free catman
  11. BlazeJKA

    Greetings, wonderful people

    How about you fine folk unban this gentleman right here from the discord server? Yes ... a little word that starts with N might have seen the light of day in the general chat as a result of my doing .... once or twice, or thrice. And perhaps some insult may've been directed to a fellow player...
  12. BlazeJKA

    Anti-Trolling Mechanics is a MUST for next build

    Hey Oink! I'm a frequent TK'er and I have to say after reading this I created an account just to let you know that I'd love to hear more about your plans to remove trolling from the game, while we're both in the same team, and I'm using ARC Trooper with my rocketlauncher loaded up.