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  1. Cat Lady

    Jedi Outcast 2 demo hangar map

    Please, read again previous posts in this thread. I've explained it already. No .map file - no map for mb2. Unless someone (you?) wish to take time and decompile .bsp THEN spend shitload of hours fixing it. For such small map, could as well made it from scratch (and/or use decompiled .bsp as...
  2. Cat Lady

    Jedi Outcast 2 demo hangar map

    Great, that means it is perfectly usable for JK2 demo. And even JK2 bots know how to walk through it! ... Not for much else, though, save for already mentioned decompile. Be my guest and work on it ;)
  3. Cat Lady


    Actually, MB2 source code is more scary than jorge's dick. *much* more scary.
  4. Cat Lady

    Technical Issue RGB Skins

    you can't set value lower than some (34?) for every colours (as in, can't make perfect black). Try adjusting them a little, or just use middle values for testing purposes, and mention if it works, then. Cheers, /Cat Lady
  5. Cat Lady

    Sound replacement for looping sounds.

    It reminds me of situation where my favorite bootleg's creator started to record shows with 96 khz, only to downconvert it to 44.1 khz later, and argued with me that it is better than recording on the 44.1 khz from the start. Eh...
  6. Cat Lady

    Open Beta Wrap Up

    I think you got pretty bad idea of what working in a team is. You would code what there *is* to code, not what you would *want* to see in-game, given your subjective view on balance. Not that I actually have confidence in your coding skills, given the statement in last posts - but, feel free to...
  7. Cat Lady

    launcher bug

    Troll thread or not troll thread, it is not invite to troll even more. Someone from team *still* must read and moderate this garbage - if you don't know how to behave, behave decently (or just look how puppytine behaves and mimic it ;) ) Anyway, point about moving it to feedback section is good...
  8. Cat Lady

    launcher bug

    Cleaned the thread from trash unrelated to bug report, and handled some fresh warnings. Please threat bug report section as strict-moderation zone, guys. Back on topic...
  9. Cat Lady

    Raw input in MovieBattles II?

    /sensibility 1 ...and you have no artificial multiplying of input. (/sensibility 2.5 is multiplying by 2.5, etc.)
  10. Cat Lady

    Hosting Server Looking for a tool like Bigbrotherbot

    I hosting on unix-like, you can start servers via screen tool, and then have whatever script just spam messages at given interval to server console, via simple shell script.
  11. Cat Lady


    But, you're talking about rend2, not just abandoning jamp.exe compatibility, right? Or I am getting it all wrong? Shame on them - but that's why I said "our engine fork of OpenJK", not OpenJk per se. Heck, it doesn't even need to be OpenJK, could be JAMME as well, or whatever - I'm rather...
  12. Cat Lady


    That's actually fixed by some OpenJk commit few months ago (just not implemented in MB2 side, yet) AIUI it is design decision - no more /qui gon jin trolling. Also, tab-autocompletion of commands work, just like it should in any decent console. IMO, the system where closest match to as command...
  13. Cat Lady


  14. Cat Lady

    Open Beta Wrap Up

    The "threats to leave" are literally the most common and boring thing we're getting with EVERY change, so fear not - there is no way something as laughable as this would make dev team decide to do U-turn on some changes. Actually, the only thing that may convince us is meritocratic arguments...
  15. Cat Lady


    There is definite limit to the number of models that we can have available to selection in-game at any given time (at least until/if we drop - at some undefined time in future - jamp.exe compatibility and switch to our own fork of OpenJK + fix the limitation in engine). This is the reason why...
  16. Cat Lady

    How op jedi/sith can be if they have shields?

    No, he was giving tears for fallen enemy. Salt was actually absorbed by the Freemen's suit.
  17. Cat Lady

    New SMOD values

    Yes, - i thought that you're talking about removing it then, and leaving only tempban. If you meant it the other way - tk set instead of tempban - then big NO, we don't want to wait until troll/tkur does his thing, when we want to tempban him. Also, tempban command allows to set the number of...
  18. Cat Lady


    Sure, as long as you program whole animation set for this style (that doesn't look like crap). BTW, in Full authentic, we have certain characters made to look like using this style. they're basically doing staff animation, with half of the staff off.
  19. Cat Lady

    New SMOD values

    Helix, is there any TECHNICAL reason, which makes us benefit from merging few commands into one value? If yes, I have no problem with it. If no, I think it is unnecessary change, cause there is no real gain that we have for the price of losing flexibility. (c'mon, easier counting that you do...
  20. Cat Lady

    Technical Issue Game blurs when moving

    Invalid, you're not the lead ;) By the way - judging by photo, it is strangest graphical issue, I've never seen something like that. Indeed, take a screenshot - I'm curious if it will be visible there, or static scene is all right.