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  1. SneakDissing

    Launcher Update Released

    wats new
  2. SneakDissing

    Launcher Update - What to Expect

    so what's actually different about the launcher
  3. SneakDissing

    15 Years of Movie Battles

    no it's just time flies
  4. SneakDissing

    DN is BACK!

    professional businessman right here
  5. SneakDissing


    you underestimate my log
  6. SneakDissing

    DN is BACK!

    how do i like this twice
  7. SneakDissing


    A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.
  8. SneakDissing

    Can we figure out ways to stop TK?

    no that was my impression of you
  9. SneakDissing

    Can we figure out ways to stop TK?

    faux ur irrelevant prolly best if u just fuck off
  10. SneakDissing

    Can we figure out ways to stop TK?

    TKing people because they cry is possibly the most childish shit you can pull off. I get that you TR cuckweeds are just trolls, but godDAMN relax with the edge
  11. SneakDissing


    Not from an Intellectual
  12. SneakDissing

    well poop

    well poop
  13. SneakDissing

    DN is BACK!

    I thought we all moved past the edgy Goliath RP? Why is he still relevant
  14. SneakDissing

    ur mom has the big gay

    ur mom has the big gay
  15. SneakDissing


  16. SneakDissing


    Ehhh... I mean, they revamped DOTF and Lunarbase on purpose. For one, they've added a shit ton of cover which is nice. And for two, snipers have more cover. Which isn't a bad thing! I myself like to roll sniper because it's fun. It's versatile and flexible instead of just "swish swish, swoong...