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  1. Townsend

    [GE] Imperial Recruitment

    why tf do you have a gmod server
  2. Townsend

    Dotf map with balcony request.

    probably spag
  3. Townsend

    Launcher game wont launch

    I highly doubt your words mister! Considering you're the same guy who said this:
  4. Townsend

    Launcher game wont launch

    the worst thing they could have done,it already takes them about 6 months to read a beta application,imagine having to approve messages on forums
  5. Townsend

    Meesa proposen maxi-big fun

    vibroblades could put alot more pressure to jedi mains in open,they would be forced to retreat or go for it if gunners and a vibroblade was attacking them,would be a good way to get the 'jedis are op' people to shut up
  6. Townsend

    Big problem of Duelling

    never said they weren't easy to kill,it's still just annoying that they run off and it isn't fun,simple as.They do basic patterns but without atleast PBC it's not exactly like you can just hit them after every combo
  7. Townsend

    Big problem of Duelling

    not really a mind game just running off
  8. Townsend


    "dO YoU WAnT tO bE BAnnEd" these last words i heard before the sudden ban
  9. Townsend


    why banned doe
  10. Townsend

    increase fp drains

    I wouldn't say underpowered but it's absolutely fine at this state
  11. Townsend

    Forum Upgrade

    thank you spaghetti!!! looks very cool! (but seriously nice one)
  12. Townsend

    MB2 Moments and Gameplay videos

    I hope you never quit MBII
  13. Townsend

    Drunk Battles 2?

    still not every
  14. Townsend

    Newbie dueling

  15. Townsend

    So i got banned i

    it was because of copyright bs,according to mace at least,although I doubt that's fair as it's an old ass movie that was compressed into 8mb and didn't even have sound
  16. Townsend

    Tompa Faker

  17. Townsend

    Rebirth of a old clan [SE]

    This whole thread is cringe