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  1. AaronAaron

    Buff Disarming

    No, no, no and no. It's absolutely fine as it is. The only thing I would like to see is the stagger on disarm just like the previous beta.
  2. AaronAaron

    1.4.5 Official Feedback Thread

    What? No please, thats awful. Disarm is very easy to avoid. Just swingblock. And how is it useless? If someone jumps when they're disarmed, they'll eventually lose BP because of jumping. If they run away, they dont regen bp, giving you a chance to have a quick regen and prepare an attack when...
  3. AaronAaron

    1.4.5 Official Feedback Thread

    This update does feel like it's half complete, kinda like 1.4.3 again (very annoying). It's just a 4 hit spam and run fest that isn't really fun for defensive players at all. I don't really wanna play a system that is just focused on being completely aggressive. It just depends on who can land...
  4. AaronAaron

    V1.4.5 Update Released!

    PM me about this because i couldn't tell which one was you on the server. And please dont accuse Pelemenu Lauks of doing anything when you have no proof at all. Infact, arent't you trying to make him look bad? Double standards, no?
  5. AaronAaron

    V1.4.5 Update Released!

    So if I got some demos from I could still make them work with JaMME?
  6. AaronAaron

    1.4.5 Official Feedback Thread

    Dueling feels a little bit better than before. The only thing I dislike is having to rely on 4 hit spam with Yellow. Pb is a bit too hard if they're just spamming in your face, but that might be because im not used to the update. Cyan is just too strong. It's speed and damage just makes it...
  7. AaronAaron

    V1.4.5 Update Released!

    Yeah boyyyy
  8. AaronAaron

    House's Official Dueling Prospectus [2017] MUST READ!!!

    He means that because he is an old player, the new players are nobodys
  9. AaronAaron

    House's Official Dueling Prospectus [2017] MUST READ!!!

    Fucking brilliant. I wonder who started all of this stuff?
  10. AaronAaron

    ferr ferr ferr ur not in it

    ferr ferr ferr ur not in it
  11. AaronAaron

    Didnt expect such a response) thanks for your time)

    Didnt expect such a response) thanks for your time)
  12. AaronAaron

    Just curious dude, are you ru? Just tryna gather a stable ru community and i think you would be...

    Just curious dude, are you ru? Just tryna gather a stable ru community and i think you would be perfect)
  13. AaronAaron

    Resolute Community

    Most clans tell members to use their clan tags at all times. This rule is really silly, and I think you should remove it if you want to keep your server/community alive.
  14. AaronAaron

    Resolute Community

    I thought I commented on this? What. Anyway, again, not allowing people to use clan tags will kill your server. It's really not a good idea. Also, is this EU or NA based?
  15. AaronAaron

    yeah but u could get much nicer ones (i would do that if i spent money on a domain). But if u...

    yeah but u could get much nicer ones (i would do that if i spent money on a domain). But if u didn't wanna make it from scratch then ok
  16. AaronAaron

    why are u using proboards if u pay for a domain

    why are u using proboards if u pay for a domain
  17. AaronAaron

    Noel's Dueling Guide [1.6 - parts outdated]

    Yeah this already looks 10x better than the other guide. Nice job
  18. AaronAaron

    Strangely popular maps & player friendly servers

    dotf on duel mode is fine. Its the only good map for it. Also, duel_training is hardly used. I would say that its dotf 99% of the time.
  19. AaronAaron

    oh oke hi)

    oh oke hi)