Lightning Stun

I find it amusing how light 1 or 2 is a problem for ppl and completely broken and op ions of clones are nobody's concern.

Because blops require aim to hit and have a cooldown, if the clone misses the blop in a 1v1 against a sith hes dead. If a sith misses lighting in a 1v1 he lost 5 fp.

Also isn't the lighting stun supposed to be removed? It still feels like nothing has changed tbh


EU Official Server Admin
Because blops require aim to hit and have a cooldown, if the clone misses the blop in a 1v1 against a sith hes dead. If a sith misses lighting in a 1v1 he lost 5 fp.

Also isn't the lighting stun supposed to be removed? It still feels like nothing has changed tbh

Can you read? I said ions not blobs. You don't have to aim at shit with ions, you can throw it on the ground miles away from target and it gets stunned for like 4 sec when fully charged which gives just enough time to finish off any imp class. And it's cooldown is approximately the same as Sith's lightning.
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EU Official Server Admin
And this thread is about lightning, not ions. I would love to see both nerfed, but still, no need to change the subject.

Lightning is related to stun, isn't it?. And I find it hardly an issue considering it's been there since the first day of MBII existance. New ppl that come to the mod will always whine on forums about certain mechanics they fail to counter. Stun is the core and the whole purpose of lightning and it hasn't changed for over 10 years and I see no reason why should it change now. It's like asking for taking ammo away from E11 or decrease clip size by half. If stun time was reduced as the OP suggests, Sith wouldn't have enough time to attack right after and it kills the whole idea behind it. Generally speaking stun is short as it is (lasts around 1 sec with light 1), so if you reduced it further the target will recover before you get closer to him to perform final hit.
Lightning is related to stun, isn't it?. And I find it hardly an issue considering it's been there since the first day of MBII existance. New ppl that come to the mod will always whine on forums about certain mechanics they fail to counter. Stun is the core and the whole purpose of lightning and it hasn't changed for over 10 years and I see no reason why should it change now. It's like asking for taking ammo away from E11 or decrease clip size by half. If stun time was reduced as the OP suggests, Sith wouldn't have enough time to attack right after and it kills the whole idea behind it. Generally speaking stun is short as it is (lasts around 1 sec with light 1), so if you reduced it further the target will recover before you get closer to him to perform final hit.
Not to mention it drains a lot of FP depending on the level
Lightning 1 takes way more than '5 fp', and lasts a very short time, with a moderate cooldown. Lightning 2 takes about 10 or 15 fp if you only tap it, but the stun won't last as long, because you only have a second to swing once the lightning stops. The problem with Lightning 2 is that it requires you(if you want to actually still be decent in a saber v saber fight) to gimp the rest of your build to use it.

Want lightning 2, push/pull 3, jump 3, and still have room for force block 3, and saber defense 3? Not happening. You have to sacrifice something. Most people will sacrifice either force block 3, or push/pull 3, and end up having a gaping weakness for sacrificing either.

What, you sacrificed fb3? Prepare to use hit and run, and stealth tactics, or else it's time to be pushed down every couple of seconds you try to use lightning 2. Sacrificed push/pull 3? Welp, when you lightning stun the gunner in an attempt to swing at him, he's gonna go:

'lol no' and then strafe away from you until the stun ends since he knows you can't knock him down, then he's going to continue to run around, maybe even chase you once he figures you're low fp cause he knows you can't knock him down. Then, after he kills you he's going to tell the rest of his team that you don't have push/pull.

You either spec into full force, or full saber, to try both would be to gimp yourself in favor of versatility.
What, you sacrificed fb3? Prepare to use hit and run, and stealth tactics, or else it's time to be pushed down every couple of seconds you try to use lightning 2.

You either spec into full force, or full saber, to try both would be to gimp yourself in favor of versatility.

do people actually use force block? i've always found it to just be a waste of points, like saber defense 3 (most of the time)


Movie Battles II Team Retired
You either spec into full force, or full saber, to try both would be to gimp yourself in favor of versatility.
Well then, try that:
Jump 3
Push 3
Seeing 2
Lightning 1
Medium 1
Saber defense 2 (won't really need 3 if one uses lightning properly)
Force block 3


Internal Beta Team
Lightning is definitely still too strong. Agreed with what Gumba said, I feel like the lightning stun change that happened didn't really do anything.

do people actually use force block? i've always found it to just be a waste of points, like saber defense 3 (most of the time)
FB as a whole isn't a waste, but IMO FB3 is. No clue why a lot of people buy it all the time, FB1 is sufficient most of the time. Occasionally I'll grab FB2. I never find myself going "wow I wish I had FB3" unless I'm a forcewhore. (BTW, the library says the FB thresholds are higher than they actually are, they've been 90/70/50 since 1.2.1 unless they've changed again and I missed it.)
Well then, try that:
Jump 3
Push 3
Seeing 2
Lightning 1
Medium 1
Saber defense 2 (won't really need 3 if one uses lightning properly)
Force block 3

Lightning 1 is a massive drain on FP, and if you miss with it more than once while fighting a gunner, you're screwed.

Seeing 1 is better than 2.
unless you love being threw around the map like a ragged rag sure

if you're playing well you aren't giving the other player a chance to use force against you. most of the time blocking is sufficient, and swingblocking prevents you from being knocked down by push/pull. consider that you have more offensive forcepowers than they do unless they also have no force block.

you have good options to avoid being knocked around or surrounded. mind trick and speed together allow you to wipe out groups of gunners, and can break up fights with sith to allow you to regain bp. grip ends 1v1 fights easily; lightning is extremely powerful, as this thread is evidence of. whether it's overpowered or not is something else.

FB as a whole isn't a waste, but IMO FB3 is. No clue why a lot of people buy it all the time, FB1 is sufficient most of the time. Occasionally I'll grab FB2. I never find myself going "wow I wish I had FB3" unless I'm a forcewhore. (BTW, the library says the FB thresholds are higher than they actually are, they've been 90/70/50 since 1.2.1 unless they've changed again and I missed it.)

I will admit, when there's a lot of jedi running around I will get fb 1, but the extra 4 points for that extremely minor weakness is a great deal.
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{Δ} Achilles

Lightning 1 is worthless, and the stun ends immediately upon ending lightning, so it is utterly pointless.

Force powers just need to be reworked, they're gimmicky and situational atm.


EU Official Server Admin
When I read all of the above posts of Achilles or handzummest I'm losing all faith in the human kind. For real.
" lightning 1 is worthless"
"ligtning 1 is definitetely too strong".
Guys, do you even take a moment of thought before you post any of this? How is "light 1 pointless"? or how is light 1 "too strong"? Every one of you is contradicting each other. Either you guys play MBII for few weeks or you are completely clueless when it comes to understanding the basic mechanics in regards of saber vs gunners combat.
Also, FB 0 gets you knocked down unless you swingblock or just hold block. However, it always makes you vulnerable to be pushed away. And Achilles dude... if lightning 1 is "worthless" then you should just stick with sense 3 or saber defense 3 or whatever other nonsense suits you best. You have no idea what you're talking about.
I won't give away my sith force build as I fear that low IQ of most ppl reading this would break the whole game instantly, lmao. I use one, universal build that works in all possible scenarios. Always. If you're stacked, got fair 1v1, then you should always win. Sith is the most op class atm.
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if you're playing well you aren't giving the other player a chance to use force against you. most of the time blocking is sufficient, and swingblocking prevents you from being knocked down by push/pull. consider that you have more offensive forcepowers than they do unless they also have no force block.
You're acting like 1vs1 is the only basis in open forceblock is a must have to deal with multiple jedi sometimes even with a gunner or two since you gotta go tricky
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{Δ} Achilles

And Achilles dude... if lightning 1 is "worthless" then you should just stick with sense 3 or saber defense 3 or whatever other nonsense suits you best. You have no idea what you're talking about.
I won't give away my sith force build as I fear that low IQ of most ppl reading this would break the whole game instantly, lmao. I use one, universal build that works in all possible scenarios. Always. If you're stacked, got fair 1v1, then you should always win. Sith is the most op class atm.

Lightning 1 is useless, which is why I never use it. Lightning 2 is useful against bad gunners and team-fight scenarios, but useless against a skilled gunner. Lightning 3 is only strong in the form of a force whore, it's too expensive for use with a lightsaber.

Grip is useless outside of 1v1 situations, and useless against skilled gunners.

Sith/Jedi are only strong under 2 circumstances: 1) You have a really solid team and you're supporting, and 2) You're 1v1ing someone. In any other situation, Sith/Jedi are honestly quite terrible, and are shoe-horned into a weird playstyle. Actual saber skills are meaningless in open now.

Point being is: Jedi/Sith just need a rework. Most forcepowers need to be nerfed, some buffed, and saber vs gunner/saber just needs to be looked at.