>> How to completely eliminate trolling <<


Let's face it, the only way someone can troll in this game is by teamkilling. I have no idea why this hasn't been done yet, but just remove teamkilling from the game. There is absolutely no point in having it. The argument "Well, if we didn't have TK'ing then everyone would just spray into their team aimlessly" is stupid because everyone does this anyways. I understand that we have the TK point system, but we don't need it. It's completely pointless and rarely does justice. Teamkilling just makes everyone salty towards each other honestly.

Get rid of it.


Movie Battles II Team
it would ruin the competitiveness of the game and imo breaks my immersion. dont turn this into ea battlefront arcade shooter. Also I see you are still salty about earlier


Slayed dreamer
Bad suggestion for many reason
The most important one -- that would cause reckless spamming of granades/rockets
td could explode inside the crowd, and only half of people would be killed, teammates of person who threw the nade would walk away from explosion in one piece. Would look stupid.

Though I wouldn't mind if servers' owners could turn friendly fire off.
Not every server is supposed to be competitive or even just serious. Compare to "!spin" event.


KotOR Mapper & Cultist
Movie Battles II Team
Agreed , we're tired of these ppl trolling and teamkilling for no reason , they're just nefarious players and devs must do something about it !!!

(MSDWP) Q-11

Account Suspended
The solution of this problem is already known to Central Processor.
It is necessary to create a black list of undesirable persons. Persons on this list lose all rights in the community. This means that they will not be protected by the rules or the administration and in fact will become outlawed.
The names and IP addresses of the main deviants are known. It is necessary to write down them in the list and to publish at a forum.

Every server owner, if he wants his server to be respected and popular, then with the general unwritten rules (no team killing, no trolling, no time wasting), he will also accept this list.
When an undesirable person will join one of the servers on which this list will be accepted, the server administrator will have the right to mute, kick or ban this person on sight.
There is a community in JK3 that successfully uses this method. Although the so-called "trolls" have the ability to change IP / name and to continue to violate server rules, however in practice they lose interest in deviant activities when other players do not recognize their identity. This is probably related to your psychology of primates.

Of course, suggesting the community management to create this list, I mean that not a single Unit from our network will be included in this list.
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Hol'' up.
Robots don't make mistakes. This doesn't add up! Guys, i've been working on a conspiracy theory regarding these A.I. dildoes, this is one more FACT! that proves they are actually humans acting as if they were robots. The main question is of course "why?". Why they do this, unfortunately i cannot provide you with an answer. Probably it has something to do with the Zionist leadership of MBII
not a single Unit from our network
I suggest including them all (just to be sure)
Also q11 has a very suspicious resemblance to a very special date... Right! 9/11 and q looks exactly like a digit "9"
Q911!!!!!!! it has a subliminal message to all of us, A.I. clan did 911
ban all A.I.
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(MSDWP) Q-11

Account Suspended
Hol'' up.
Robots don't make mistakes. This doesn't add up! Guys, i've been working on a conspiracy theory regarding these A.I. dildoes, this is one more FACT! that proves they are actually humans acting as if they were robots. The main question is of course "why?". Why they do this, unfortunately i cannot provide you with an answer. Probably it has something to do with the Zionist leadership of MBII

I suggest including them all (just to be sure)
Also q11 has a very suspicious resemblance to a very special date... Right! 9/11 and q looks exactly like a digit "9"
Q911!!!!!!! it has a subliminal message to all of us, A.I. clan did 911
ban all A.I.

In any other case, I would assume that aggravation of symptoms of a disease of this mental patient was caused by my appearance, but in this specific situation, I believe that the reason for such violent reaction was the understanding that this method could actually work within the framework of MB2 community.
This adds one point in favor of creating the blacklist.