Eee-hee... guess who it is??? No, but seriously.

If you thought it was Michael Jackson, you were incorrect. My name is unironically Luke and I've been a big Star Wars fan my whole life.
As a child, I had made a couple (embarrassing) "lightsaber duel" videos, so there's your answer on just how big of a fan I was and still am.

Growing up, I remember really enjoying the Star Wars movies A LOT. As for games, I grew up with Battlefront I and II, as well as Jedi Outcast.
However, I didn't really grow up with Jedi Academy all that much actually, but I still find JA nostalgic since both JA and JO run off the same engine, right?

I never looked into the PC versions of JO and JA as a kid (I played all those games on PS2 and Xbox), although I remember stumbling across this video and, at the time, my imagination went wild with all the possibilities of modz:

After all these years, I was curious. "Does such a game even have online, and if it does... is there a community?"
...and so the rest is history.

I found this forum, and I believe this community is held together well. I've ran into a couple asshats online, but that's not to say that I've met some very nice and helpful people so far, that actually treat others like a human being.

I wish the MovieBattles team the best of luck, and I appreciate their efforts greatly in this project they have began.
May the force be with them.
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Internal Beta Team
Welcome! Always happy to see new faces round here. Hope we'll get to kick some life into lightsaber dueling soon tm tm tm tm.
Your kind is not welcome here.
Unless you're with the dark-side, in which case I'll allow it and will send a junk-food basket your way.
